Why J.D. Vance Would Make a Great VP Pick for Donald Trump

In the realm of American politics, the choice of a vice-presidential candidate often reflects a strategic calculus designed to complement and enhance the presidential nominee's strengths, appeal to a broader electorate, and signal key policy priorities. As Donald Trump gears up for another run at the presidency, one name stands out as a compelling choice for his running mate: J.D. Vance.

A Proven Track Record

J.D. Vance, the bestselling author of "Hillbilly Elegy" and a United States Senator from Ohio, brings a unique blend of personal experience, political acumen, and intellectual rigor to the table. His rise from a challenging childhood in the Rust Belt to the halls of Yale Law School and then to the U.S. Senate encapsulates a quintessentially American story of resilience and upward mobility. This narrative resonates deeply with many voters, particularly those in the working-class communities that form a significant part of Trump's base.

A Voice for the Forgotten

Vance's deep understanding of the struggles faced by America's forgotten men and women sets him apart. In "Hillbilly Elegy," he chronicled the socio-economic decline of the Rust Belt and the opioid crisis, bringing national attention to issues that had long been ignored by the political elite. His ability to articulate these challenges and propose viable solutions would bolster Trump's appeal to working-class voters across the country, reinforcing the populist message that has been a hallmark of Trump's political brand.

Policy Expertise and Intellectual Depth

While Trump is known for his bold and sometimes unconventional approach, Vance adds a layer of intellectual depth and policy expertise. His thoughtful positions on issues such as economic revitalization, immigration, and national security provide a substantive counterbalance to Trump's more charismatic style. Vance's nuanced understanding of complex policy issues can help craft detailed and effective solutions to the nation's pressing problems, enhancing the overall credibility of the ticket.

Bridging Divides

One of the key challenges for any presidential candidate is to build a coalition that spans different demographics and regions. Vance's Midwestern roots and his appeal to both rural and suburban voters make him an ideal candidate to help bridge divides within the Republican Party and the broader electorate. His ability to connect with voters from diverse backgrounds can help expand the reach of the Trump campaign, particularly in critical swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

A Fresh Face with Proven Loyalty

Vance represents a new generation of conservative leadership, bringing fresh energy and perspectives to the ticket. Despite his relative newcomer status in national politics, he has demonstrated loyalty to Trump's agenda and has proven himself to be a steadfast ally. This combination of loyalty and fresh thinking is invaluable in a running mate, ensuring a cohesive and dynamic partnership at the top of the ticket.

A Unifying Figure

In an era of intense political polarization, Vance's ability to speak to the concerns of ordinary Americans in a relatable and empathetic manner positions him as a unifying figure. His personal story of overcoming adversity, coupled with his commitment to addressing the root causes of socio-economic challenges, resonates with a wide array of voters. This potential to unify and inspire is crucial for building a broad-based coalition that can secure electoral victory.

J.D. Vance, a U.S. Senator from Ohio, has supported various legislative initiatives aimed at strengthening America in terms of economic growth, national security, healthcare, and social welfare.

Here are ten notable legislative pieces that reflect his commitment to these goals:

  1. CHIPS and Science Act (2022)

    • This bipartisan legislation aims to bolster American semiconductor manufacturing, strengthen the nation’s supply chains, and invest in scientific research and technological innovation.
  2. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (2021)

    • Although passed before Vance took office, he has voiced strong support for the ongoing implementation of this act, which provides significant federal funding for infrastructure projects, including roads, bridges, and broadband internet expansion.
  3. American Energy Independence Act

    • Vance has supported legislative efforts to enhance America’s energy independence by promoting domestic energy production, reducing reliance on foreign oil, and investing in renewable energy sources.
  4. Secure America’s Borders Act

    • This legislation focuses on strengthening border security, enhancing immigration enforcement, and addressing issues related to illegal immigration, aligning with Vance’s stance on maintaining national security and sovereignty.
  5. Opioid Crisis Response Act

    • Vance has backed measures aimed at combating the opioid epidemic, including increased funding for addiction treatment, prevention programs, and law enforcement efforts to curb the distribution of illegal drugs.
  6. Veterans’ Health Care Improvement Act

    • Supporting veterans is a key priority for Vance, and he has endorsed legislation that seeks to improve healthcare services for veterans, including mental health support, access to medical facilities, and streamlined benefits processing.
  7. Education and Workforce Development Act

    • Recognizing the importance of education and workforce readiness, Vance has supported initiatives that fund vocational training, apprenticeships, and STEM education programs to prepare Americans for the jobs of the future.
  8. Small Business Support Act

    • Vance has championed legislative efforts to provide tax relief, reduce regulatory burdens, and offer financial assistance to small businesses, which are critical to economic growth and job creation.
  9. National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

    • Consistently supporting the NDAA, Vance advocates for robust defense spending to ensure the U.S. military remains capable of addressing global threats and maintaining national security.
  10. Agricultural Resilience Act

    • Given Ohio’s significant agricultural sector, Vance has supported legislation aimed at promoting sustainable farming practices, providing financial assistance to farmers, and investing in agricultural research and innovation.

These legislative efforts illustrate J.D. Vance’s commitment to policies that enhance America’s economic strength, security, and overall well-being.


As Donald Trump contemplates his choice for vice president, J.D. Vance emerges as a formidable contender. His personal journey, policy expertise, and ability to connect with voters make him an ideal running mate. Together, Trump and Vance can offer a compelling vision for America's future, rooted in the principles of resilience, opportunity, and prosperity for all.