The First 100 Days After a Stolen Election: How the United States Could Collapse

As the dust settles after a controversial and highly contested election, the United States is thrust into an unprecedented economic and political crisis. Rumors of a stolen election have divided the nation, triggering widespread unrest, economic fallout, and the collapse of government systems. What follows in the first 100 days is a grim picture of a country grinding to a halt, leaving citizens unprepared for the realities they never thought they would face.

The Political Fallout

The declaration of a stolen election triggers immediate nationwide protests, leading to violent clashes between opposing political factions. Major cities become battlegrounds, and the federal government’s ability to maintain order rapidly deteriorates. Politicians on both sides accuse each other of treason and fraud, fueling further division. Meanwhile, confidence in the electoral process and democratic institutions is shattered beyond repair.

Days 1-30: The Collapse Begins
In the first 30 days, federal authority begins to crumble. State governments begin making independent decisions, declaring various forms of autonomy or emergency measures. Some states push to secede, while others cling to the fractured remnants of federal power.

Law enforcement is stretched thin as police forces and the National Guard struggle to maintain control. Major protests erupt, leading to widespread looting, destruction, and curfews. A lack of consensus among lawmakers leads to a paralysis in Congress, halting any meaningful response.

Economic Meltdown

As political chaos deepens, the financial system enters freefall. Stock markets crash, the dollar plummets, and inflation skyrockets. International trade slows to a crawl, as other nations pull out of trade agreements and impose sanctions on the unstable U.S.

Days 31-60: Banking System Collapses
The financial panic spreads as people rush to withdraw money from banks, fearing total economic collapse. Banks impose withdrawal limits, and eventually, many institutions run out of cash altogether. The Federal Reserve is unable to stabilize the economy, leading to a collapse of major banking institutions.

The loss of confidence in the currency pushes the country towards hyperinflation. Prices for basic goods soar, with shortages of essentials like food, gas, and medicine becoming rampant. Supply chains begin to break down, leaving supermarkets with empty shelves and pharmacies without critical medications.

Government Gridlock and Factions

In Washington, gridlock reaches its peak. Attempts to restore order are blocked by partisan in-fighting, while rumors of coups and military intervention begin circulating. The government is unable to enact emergency measures, leaving states and localities to fend for themselves.

Societal Breakdown

Days 61-100: Society Frays at the Edges
Local governments and communities begin to self-organize in the absence of functional federal or state authority. In rural areas, militias form to protect resources, while urban centers experience widespread violence, looting, and lawlessness.

The healthcare system collapses under the weight of supply shortages and lack of funding, leaving hospitals overwhelmed. The sudden withdrawal of federal support leads to the breakdown of public utilities—electricity blackouts become common, water systems falter, and public transportation grinds to a halt.

With no immediate recovery in sight, the population is left to fend for itself. Citizens, left unprepared for such a rapid collapse, are forced to navigate a world where the social safety net has disappeared overnight.

International Fallout

The international response is immediate and ruthless. America's geopolitical adversaries take advantage of the chaos, with hostile nations asserting dominance in regions traditionally under U.S. influence. Military bases abroad are isolated, and some allies abandon their American ties, seeking protection from rising global powers.

A Grim Checklist: What Most People Don’t Realize Will Happen

Here’s a checklist of key events that will occur in the first 100 days of the collapse that most people are unaware of or unprepared for:

  1. Bank Freezes and Withdrawal Limits
    Banks will restrict withdrawals, and eventually, access to cash will be severely limited. People may not realize how quickly this could happen, leaving them without access to their savings.

  2. Hyperinflation of Essential Goods
    Prices of food, fuel, and medicine will skyrocket almost overnight, and many won’t be able to afford basic necessities. Expect to see bartering become common as the U.S. dollar loses value.

  3. Blackouts and Utility Failures
    Power grid failures and water system breakdowns will become the norm. Expect widespread electricity blackouts and potential water shortages as public utilities collapse.

  4. Public Transportation Breakdown
    Buses, trains, and planes will cease functioning due to fuel shortages and lack of government funding, leaving cities paralyzed and supply routes cut off.

  5. Healthcare System Collapse
    Hospitals will run out of medications and medical supplies quickly. Elective surgeries will be canceled, and even emergency care will be severely limited. Pharmacies will close, and black-market medicine will become common.

  6. Food Supply Chain Breakdown
    Supermarket shelves will empty fast, with no ability to restock. Local food production and community gardens will become critical as people are forced to find their own means of sustenance.

  7. Rise of Militias and Local Authorities
    Local militias or organized groups will form to protect communities, often taking over roles traditionally held by law enforcement. These groups may impose their own rules, leading to mini-fiefdoms.

  8. Currency Devaluation and Bartering
    As the dollar becomes worthless, people will resort to bartering for goods and services. Precious metals, ammunition, and food will become the new currency.

  9. Breakdown of Communications
    Internet services and cell networks will falter, leading to communication blackouts. People will need alternative means to stay connected, such as HAM radios or satellite phones.

  10. Mass Exodus from Urban Centers
    Cities will become unlivable due to violence, resource shortages, and infrastructure collapse. Expect mass migrations from urban centers to rural areas, where resources are more readily available.

  11. Law Enforcement Evaporates
    Local law enforcement, overwhelmed or underpaid, may abandon their posts, leaving citizens to enforce their own rules. This will lead to widespread vigilantism and localized control.

  12. Medical Crisis and Disease
    As public health systems collapse, preventable diseases will resurface. Poor sanitation, lack of medical supplies, and crowded conditions in urban centers will lead to outbreaks of diseases that haven’t been seen in years.

  13. Widespread Panic and Civil Unrest
    The initial weeks of chaos will give way to longer-term civil unrest, with protests, riots, and even civil war-like conditions in some areas. The lack of central governance will allow regional conflicts to erupt.

  14. Government Fragmentation
    Expect states to declare forms of independence, with some seceding entirely from the Union. State and local governments will prioritize self-preservation, leaving the federal government impotent.

  15. International Opportunism
    As the U.S. collapses, hostile foreign powers may seize the opportunity to assert dominance globally. Cyberattacks, espionage, and even territorial incursions could occur as the U.S. military falters under internal chaos.

Conclusion: A Country on the Brink

The first 100 days after a stolen election could spell the rapid unraveling of the United States. With economic collapse, political gridlock, and societal breakdown unfolding simultaneously, many of the comforts and systems we take for granted will disappear overnight. Without preparation, millions will face a grim reality they never anticipated—one where survival, rather than prosperity, becomes the priority.

Understanding what could happen—and preparing for it—may be the difference between survival and chaos in the face of America’s collapse.