Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone: I’m Voting for Donald Trump Because I Oppose Abortion

I am totally opposed to all abortion, and enthusiastically supportive of President Trump. How is that possible?

Many of you have asked to me explain this in more detail, and I am happy to do so. On matters as contentious as abortion and politics, and in an age where communication is more reactive and instantaneous than ever, it takes a lot of discipline to really listen to one another and navigate the nuances of our explanations.

But let’s give it a try.

My personal background

I have been a fulltime national pro-life leader for 31 years, and been involved in the pro-life movement even longer, having started as a teenager in 1976. My fulltime involvement came about at my own request, having come to a point in conscience where I could not go on with my life “business as usual,” but had to devote myself fulltime to ending abortion.

I stood firm in this commitment even when Church authorities threatened to kick me out of the priesthood if I didn’t step away from my fulltime commitment to the unborn. I refused to step away from pro-life work, so they did kick me out, and I am still carrying out my fulltime pro-life commitment.

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As many of you know, I have had an advisory role – on pro-life and Catholic issues — for President Trump’s campaigns since 2016. I have had a front row seat to how his campaign, his administration, and now his team preparing for the next administration, have dealt with the abortion issue. I was one of the first leaders to endorse him in his first campaign, did so again in his second, and did so again for his current campaign, making my endorsement formal as soon as he formally announced in November of 2022.

A Quick Summary

Let me give a quick summary of where I stand, and then expand on it in more detail.

No abortion is permissible and no government can authorize even a single abortion. Our goal must be the full protection of every unborn child, ultimately through a Constitutional amendment. To achieve that goal, we have to pass laws against abortion and build consensus. This includes electing candidates who will move us in that direction.

We currently have a binary race for President, with the Democrats insisting on expanding abortion even more, and President Trump opposing their extremism and fighting for the rights of the people to protect the unborn. It’s one or the other, and obviously President Trump is better for the pro-life movement. He doesn’t represent its final goal, but rather its next steps.

It is essential to recognize the limits of what the American people and their lawmakers are willing to do at any given point in time. President Trump is trying to win the election so that we can preserve the very tools we will need to protect the unborn going forward: freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and more. We need to stop the weaponization of government which is not only expanding abortion, but throwing peaceful pro-life people in jail. To save the unborn, we have to save America itself. Voting the Democrats out of office now – and doing so with vigor and enthusiasm — is essential to achieving this.

Recent Statements

As you know, President Trump recently released a video with his policy statement on abortion. I gave a video response, and wrote an article about it as well.

Bishop Joseph Strickland recently stated on The Terry and Jesse Show (Virgin Most Powerful Radio) that he agrees with my statement in response to President Trump.

Opposing Abortion and Supporting Trump: Part 2

As I continue to reflect with you on why, as one totally opposed to every abortion, I enthusiastically support President Trump, I want to emphasize four things we should focus on about what happens if he is elected: what he prevents, what he brings, whom he brings, and what he preserves.

First, what does President Trump prevent?

We are currently witnessing in America the most pro-abortion Presidential administration, and the most pro-abortion political party, in our history. They have gotten behind federal legislation that would eliminate every restriction on abortion, set up a national abortion hotline, undertaken a national abortion-promoting tour, and done everything possible to stifle the conscience, speech, votes and freedom of pro-life Americans!

Whereas the Trump Administration was the first to show up at the March for Life, the Biden Administration was the first to show up at an abortion clinic!

Here’s the point, and it couldn’t be more simple or irrefutable: the election of President Trump prevents another pro-abortion Biden Administration and stops the Democrat abortion agenda in its tracks.

This is true no matter what President Trump does or says. It is, if you will, an automatic accomplishment, a tangible and lasting victory right from day one.

Second, what does President Trump bring?

He brings solid pro-life policies that repeat and build upon what he did in his first Administration. Go back  to and remind yourselves of the pro-life accomplishments of his first term – how, for instance, he protected billions of taxpayer dollars from going to the abortion industry and Planned Parenthood.

Did anyone hear him say that this was a mistake, or that he would not do this again? Of course he will do it again. The point now is not to engage in hypothetical or academic discussions about different types of pro-life legislation that are not going to end up on his desk anyway (due to the lack of will in Congress and the reality of the Senate filibuster).

Rather, focus on the things he can and will do, such as the executive actions that take money away from the abortion industry, strengthen the conscience rights of doctors, nurses, and pro-life advocates, and fill our court system at every level with pro-life judges.

I do not expect President Trump to do my job or that of other pro-life leaders, which is to persuade people that all abortion is wrong and that every baby needs to be protected. We will convey that message, clearly and forcefully. Absolutely every life must be protected; abortion must be abolished.

But that’s our job to articulate.

His job, on the other hand, is to get elected and then sign every pro-life executive order, bill, and judicial appointment that he can. I don’t need his words; I need his pen.

Executive orders are being crafted right now, as we speak – hundreds of them – that will undo the damage that the Biden Administration has done, including on the issue of abortion. Do you think these executive orders rise and fall on a four-minute speech President Trump just gave? No. They are substantive, solidly pro-life policies that get into the weeds of the day to day lives of Americans and advance the right to life.

Third, whom does President Trump bring?

Why do so many people debate the Presidential race as though it’s only about the President, and as though all the work of a Presidential administration is done by that one person?

The way the Executive branch operates is far more complex and far-reaching than that, and involves thousands of people (actually, a couple of million).

The President, first of all, brings with him a Vice-President and a Cabinet. These people oversee the development and implementation of the President’s agenda day by day. And thousands of people work under them to do the same.

Now we know that many of these people, career bureaucrats and deep state operatives, need to be weeded out of government, and that is one of the things President Trump has committed to do.

But even if we just focus on the ones who will definitely come and go, we understand that along with President Trump will come people, for instance, who will head the Department of Health and Human Services. That’s key to the pro-life agenda. In his first administration, President Trump was hiring all kinds of pro-life leaders and activists to various positions in that department. I know many of them.

And I know many of the people who, right now, are helping to recruit stellar pro-life people for the President’s consideration for a second term.

Aside from HHS, consider, for instance, the Surgeon General, and the Attorney General. What will happen to conscience rights for doctors and nurses who refuse to participate in abortion? They will be strengthened. And what do you think the Department of Justice will do to peaceful pro-life advocates like Mark Houck? Raid their homes and throw them in jail, like Biden did? No, their rights will be affirmed.

It’s not about analyzing the mind, heart and soul of Donald Trump to figure out exactly how “pro-life” we think he is. It’s about the thousands of pro-life people he will bring with him – people who would not stand a chance of ever being invited in by a Democrat Administration.

Finally, what does President Trump preserve?

As I will discuss at greater length in Part 3 of this article, the Founders of our Country wrote a Declaration of Independence and a Constitution to get this nation off the ground.

When they did so, they had to deal with the problem of slavery.

The nation was divided. Some of the Founders owned slaves themselves. Others vigorously protested it. Some did both at the same time.

The Founders realized that because the states were divided on slavery, they could never get them all to ratify the Constitution if that document banned slavery at the national level.

So they allowed the states to abolish it on their own, if they wanted, or continue it, if they wanted. But with the Constitution, they created a mechanism by which slavery would in fact ultimately be abolished.

We are at a similar moment with abortion.

President Trump knows, and we all know, that the nation is deeply divided on abortion. States are going in opposite directions.

We are not currently starting a nation, but in this election we are indeed saving a nation.

The election of President Trump will in fact preserve the very tools we need to end abortion, both at the state and federal level. These tools are all under severe and sustained attack by the Democrats: free speech, free and fair elections, freedom of religion, of the press, of assembly. Our government is weaponized. We are living in a police state, in which pro-life people are being thrown in jail not for their actions but for their beliefs.

When President Trump says we need to win this election, that is not a power grab or a putting of politics above principle. On the contrary, it is about returning power to the people precisely so that they can defend principles that are under attack, and preserve the very tools our Constitution gives us to ultimately abolish abortion.

President Trump talked about “the will of the people” ending abortion. That does not mean that a majority vote determines the right to life. What is means is that the responsibility is ours to defend that right to life. And it means the freedom is ours as well.

Why do we keep waiting for politicians to do the job we the people have to do? The responsibility is ours, and that’s what President Trump is saying.

The Democrat Party does not only hate the unborn; it hates America, it hates the Constitution, it hates freedom and it hates God.

President Trump’s message is very simple: we cannot advance the right to life unless we have free speech, free and fair elections, and all the other building blocks of a great America. The Democrats and the abortion lobby block the will of the people. President Trump is confident, as our Founders were and as we all should be, that when the will of the people is set free from tyranny, oppression, and censorship, that the truth always prevails. Freedom always prevails – for born and unborn alike.

So yes, I’m totally opposed to abortion and enthusiastically supportive of President Trump. Note:  Frank Pavone is the national director for Priests for Life.

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Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone: I’m Voting for Donald Trump Because I Oppose Abortion | Author: Frank Pavone

#AmericaFirst @CounterDotNews | April 18, 2024 | 3:48 pm

I am totally opposed to all abortion, and enthusiastically supportive of President Trump. How is that possible? Many of you have asked to me explain this in more detail, and I am happy to do so. On matters as contentious as abortion and politics, and in an age where communication is more reactive and instantaneous […]

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