Poll Shows More Americans Side With Trump on Abortion Than Biden

A new poll shows more Americans side with former President Donald Trump than with Joe Biden on who should decide abortion law.

In recent comments, Trump indicated he thought states should decide the issue of abortion law and whether to protect babies from abortion. Biden. On the other hand, wants Congress to pass a law re-implementing Roe v. Wade and allowing abortions up to birth.

But a new Newsweek poll shows more Americans believe abortion restrictions should be decided by states rather than the federal government.

As the news outlet reports, “The results suggest more Americans are coming to share former President Donald Trump’s view on the issue. A poll, conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies after Trump’s announcement and the Arizona ruling, suggests that some Americans have shifted towards backing states’ rights on the issue of abortion in recent months.”

When asked, “Which level of Government should determine the laws surrounding abortion?” both Republican and Democrat sentiment shifted away from federal laws vs. when the same question was asked in March.

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Some 41 percent of Americans believe individual state governments should determine laws surrounding abortion, while 39 percent said it should be the federal government. Some 20% were unsure.

“Polling conducted for Newsweek in March, before Trump’s announcement, had more favoring the federal government determining abortion limits—42 percent—while 36 percent said it should be down to state governments. And voters were split, 40 percent and 40 percent, when the same question was asked in Newsweek‘s February poll,” it reported. “The shift is most noticeable among Trump voters—57 percent said state governments should decide abortion limits in April’s poll, up from 51 percent in March and 52 percent in February. The views of Biden voters have stayed fairly constant, with 55 percent saying the federal government should decide abortion limits in April, down slightly from 58 percent in March but up from 53 percent in February.”

A leading pro-life group this week issued an endorsement for former President Donald Trump — saying that his nominees for the Supreme Court, who voted to overturned Roe v. Wade, were home runs.

Operation Rescue is one of the top pro-life groups exposing the abortion industry and the abortionists and abortion centers that kill and injure women in botched abortions. And today the pro-life group said pro-life Americans should vote for Trump for president.

“Over the last week, many pro-life Americans have expressed a sudden disdain for President Donald Trump – the most pro-life GOP president or nominee in our lifetime,” OR president Troy Newman told LifeNews. “This is not only self-defeating and destructive, but it is also hypocritical when compared to previous presidents and nominees that have had the full support of the pro-life community.”

Newman told LifeNews that Trump has a much stronger pro-life record as president than past Republican nominees such as Mitt Romney or John McCain. But he said trump’s record was strongly pro-life during his 4 years as president, including multiple action steps taken to defend Planned Parenthood.

“He hit it out of the park with three pro-life justices! And we finally got what we had been asking for for over 50 years: an overturn of Roe v. Wade,” Newman said.

Last week, Trump issued extensive comments on abortion that drew significant debate within pro-life circles — with some pro-life voters appreciating his states rights approach given the current hostile political climate on abortion. Others thought that was too much of a compromise. But Newman said they shouldn’t deter pro-life voters from casting ballots for Trump again.

The post Poll Shows More Americans Side With Trump on Abortion Than Biden appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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Poll Shows More Americans Side With Trump on Abortion Than Biden | Author: Steven Ertelt

#AmericaFirst @CounterDotNews | April 18, 2024 | 3:18 pm

A new poll shows more Americans side with former President Donald Trump than with Joe Biden on who should decide abortion law. In recent comments, Trump indicated he thought states should decide the issue of abortion law and whether to protect babies from abortion. Biden. On the other hand, wants Congress to pass a law […]

The post Poll Shows More Americans Side With Trump on Abortion Than Biden appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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