1. Understanding Servo Jitter
Servo jitter refers to the rapid, unwanted fluctuations in a servo\’s position. This can be particularly problematic in precise applications like robotics or radio-controlled models. Several factors contribute to servo jitter:
- Electrical Noise: High-frequency noise from other electronic components, power supplies, or even the environment can disrupt servo control signals.
- Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): EMI from nearby electronics can interfere with servo operations.
- Power Supply Fluctuations: Voltage variations or spikes can cause instability in the servo\’s movement.
- Signal Reflection and Crosstalk: In longer cable runs, signals can reflect or interfere with each other, causing jitter.
2. Using Ferrite Rings to Reduce Servo Jitter
Ferrite rings, also known as ferrite beads or ferrite chokes, are effective in suppressing high-frequency noise and electromagnetic interference. Here’s how they help:
- High-Frequency Noise Suppression: Ferrite rings dissipate high-frequency noise as heat, providing high impedance to unwanted signals while allowing low-frequency signals to pass through.
- EMI/RFI Filtering: They reduce electromagnetic and radio frequency interference, leading to cleaner signals and more stable servo operation.
- Reduction of Signal Reflection and Crosstalk: Ferrite rings smooth out high-frequency components, reducing the chance of signal reflections and crosstalk.
- Stabilizing Power Supply: By filtering out noise and spikes on power lines, ferrite rings help stabilize the power supply to the servos.
Implementation Tips:
- On Power Wires: Place ferrite rings on the power supply wires leading to the servo to filter out noise and spikes.
- On Signal Wires: Place ferrite rings on the signal wires (PWM control wires) to reduce high-frequency noise.
- On Both Power and Signal Wires: For maximum effectiveness, use ferrite rings on both power and signal wires.
Practical Application:
- Single Turn: Pass the wire through the ferrite ring once for basic noise suppression.
- Multiple Turns: Loop the wire through the ferrite ring two or three times to increase inductance and noise suppression.
3. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a fundamental technique used to control the position, speed, and torque of servos. PWM involves varying the width of pulses in a signal to encode information or control power delivery.
Key Concepts of PWM:
- Duty Cycle: The duty cycle of a PWM signal is the percentage of one period in which the signal is high (on). For example, a 50% duty cycle means the signal is high for half the period and low for the other half.
- Frequency: The frequency of a PWM signal is the number of cycles per second, measured in Hertz (Hz). For servo control, the frequency is typically fixed at around 50Hz (20ms period).
- Pulse Width: The duration of the high (on) pulse within each period. For servos, this pulse width determines the angle of the servo arm.
PWM in Servo Control:
- Standard Servo Signal: Standard RC servos expect a PWM signal with a period of 20ms. The pulse width typically ranges from 1ms to 2ms, where:
- 1ms corresponds to 0 degrees (minimum position).
- 1.5ms corresponds to 90 degrees (midpoint).
- 2ms corresponds to 180 degrees (maximum position).
- Resolution: The resolution of the PWM signal (number of distinct positions the servo can take) depends on the precision of the PWM generation and the servo’s internal processing.
Generating PWM with Arduino:
Arduino boards have built-in support for generating PWM signals. Here’s an example of how to generate a PWM signal to control a servo using the Arduino Servo
Servo myServo; // Create a Servo object
void setup() {
myServo.attach(9); // Attach the servo to pin 9
void loop() {
myServo.write(90); // Move the servo to 90 degrees
delay(1000); // Wait for a second
myServo.write(0); // Move the servo to 0 degrees
delay(1000); // Wait for a second
myServo.write(180); // Move the servo to 180 degrees
delay(1000); // Wait for a second
Optimizing PWM for Smooth Operation:
- Ensure Clean Signals: Use capacitors, ferrite rings, or proper shielding to reduce noise on the PWM lines.
- Stable Power Supply: Use a stable power supply to avoid fluctuations that can affect the PWM signal and servo operation.
- Proper Wiring: Use short, appropriately gauged wires for PWM signals to minimize voltage drops and noise.
4. Guide to Figuring Out PWM Frequencies
Understanding and determining the correct PWM frequency is crucial for achieving optimal performance in servo control projects. Here\'s a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Understand the Requirements of Your Servo
- Manufacturer Specifications: Check the datasheet or manual of your servo for the recommended PWM frequency. Most standard RC servos operate at around 50Hz (20ms period).
- Servo Type: Different types of servos (e.g., digital servos, analog servos) may have different frequency requirements.
Step 2: Calculate the PWM Period
PWM Period (T): The period is the reciprocal of the frequency. For example, for a 50Hz signal, the period `T` is:
`T = 1 / f = 1 / 50 = 0.02 seconds = 20 milliseconds`
Step 3: Determine the Pulse Width Range
Pulse Width: This is typically specified in microseconds (µs). For standard RC servos:
- Minimum position: 1ms (1000µs)
- Midpoint position: 1.5ms (1500µs)
- Maximum position: 2ms (2000µs)
Step 4: Configure the PWM Signal on Your Controller
- Arduino Example: Using the `Servo` library, the library handles the frequency for you, typically at 50Hz.
- Custom PWM: If using custom hardware or a different microcontroller, configure the timer/counter modules to generate the desired PWM frequency and duty cycle.
Step 5: Test and Adjust
- Test the Servo: Connect the servo and observe its response to PWM signals.
- Adjust if Necessary: Fine-tune the pulse widths if the servo does not reach its full range of motion or if there is jitter.
Example: Setting Up PWM on Arduino Without the Servo Library
If you want more control over the PWM signal, you can directly manipulate the timers:
// Example for Arduino Uno (ATmega328P)
void setup() {
// Configure Timer1 for 50Hz PWM
TCCR1A = 0; // Clear control register A
TCCR1B = 0; // Clear control register B
TCNT1 = 0; // Clear the counter
// Set compare match register for 50Hz (16MHz clock with 8 prescaler)
OCR1A = 39999; // (1610^6) / (508) – 1 = 39999
// Set timer mode to CTC and prescaler to 8
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS11);
// Enable Timer1 compare interrupt
TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);
void loop() {
// Your main code
// ISR to toggle the PWM pin
// Toggle the pin connected to the servo
PORTB ^= (1 << PB1); // Assuming the servo is connected to pin 9 (PB1)
By understanding the basics of PWM and how to configure it, you can effectively control servos and other devices that rely on precise timing signals.
## 5. General Tips for Optimizing Your Servo Setup
- **Power Supply:** Ensure your power supply can provide sufficient current for your servos without significant voltage drops.
- **Proper Wiring:** Use appropriately gauged wires for power and control lines to minimize resistance and voltage drops.
- **Signal Integrity:** Keep signal wires short and well-separated from high-power lines to reduce noise and interference.
- **Heat Management:** High-power components like motor drivers can generate significant heat. Use heat sinks or cooling fans if necessary to maintain optimal operating temperatures.
- **Testing and Calibration:** Regularly test and calibrate your servos to ensure they are operating correctly. This includes checking for proper alignment and response to control signals.
By following these guidelines and utilizing tools like ferrite rings and PWM control, you can significantly enhance the performance and reliability of your servo control projects. Understanding the causes of jitter and how to mitigate them, as well as properly configuring PWM frequencies, is crucial for achieving precise and stable servo operation.