- Minimize Ubuntu Mini
- Self-contained Peering Program with Interface and MAC Tracking
- Libraries for C++, Python, and Robotics
- Ubuntu Logging Program
- Unified Login and Auto-Boot to Defaultuser with Sudo Privileges
Step Details
1. Minimize Ubuntu Mini
Remove all OS bloat, desktop packages, and other preinstalled programs while shrinking Ubuntu Mini as much as possible, retaining networking capabilities, the ability to compile in C++, support Python, and run bash scripts.
2. Self-contained Peering Program with Interface and MAC Tracking
Create a self-contained peering program that will interlink multiple copies of the minimized Ubuntu installation via Layer 2, with an interface that allows you to see each individually connected peer. Also, include a method for tracking and maintaining a list of MAC addresses that have interacted with the system.
3. Libraries for C++, Python, and Robotics
To include all necessary libraries for C++, Python, and robotics development (including controlling servos, actuators, and performing system control/monitoring), you will need the following packages and installs:
C++ Packages
Build-essential (for compiling C++ code):
sudo apt install build-essential
Boost Libraries (useful for various C++ functionalities in robotics):
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
Eigen3 (a popular C++ library for linear algebra, critical for robotics development):
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
ROS (Robot Operating System) (optional, for advanced robotics functionality):
sudo apt install ros-noetic-desktop-full
Python Packages
Python3 and Pip (Python package manager):
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
RPi.GPIO (if working with Raspberry Pi GPIO pins for servo control):
sudo pip3 install RPi.GPIO
Adafruit-Blinka (for interfacing with servos, actuators, and sensors):
sudo pip3 install adafruit-blinka
NumPy (for numerical computations in Python):
sudo pip3 install numpy
SciPy (scientific computations, useful in robotics):
sudo pip3 install scipy
PySerial (for serial communication, often used in robotics):
sudo pip3 install pyserial
OpenCV (for computer vision applications in robotics):
sudo apt install python3-opencv
Robotics Control and Monitoring Libraries
pigpio (library for controlling servos and GPIO):
sudo apt install pigpio python3-pigpio
WiringPi (an older but widely used library for GPIO pin control):
sudo apt install wiringpi
I2C and SPI Utilities (for communicating with sensors/actuators):
sudo apt install i2c-tools python3-smbus sudo apt install spi-tools
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) (for robotics systems communicating over a network):
sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt
SMBus (for I2C communication with servo controllers):
sudo apt install python3-smbus
PyZMQ (ZeroMQ bindings for distributed and concurrent systems in robotics):
sudo pip3 install pyzmq
Additional System Monitoring and Control
htop (for system performance monitoring):
sudo apt install htop
lm-sensors (for monitoring system temperatures and voltages):
sudo apt install lm-sensors
pm-utils (for power management utilities in robotics applications):
sudo apt install pm-utils
After installing these packages, you will have all the necessary libraries for C++, Python, and robotics development, including the control of servos, actuators, and system monitoring.
4. Ubuntu Logging Program
Create a program that can grep, search, and navigate the Ubuntu logging system.
5. Unified Login and Auto-Boot to Defaultuser with Sudo Privileges
To create and/or update a "defaultuser" account with root/sudo privileges and have the system automatically log in to this account:
1. Create/Update the "defaultuser" Account:
Create the "defaultuser" account:
If the account doesn’t exist, create it with the following command:sudo adduser defaultuser
Follow the prompts to set a password for the user.
Add "defaultuser" to the sudo group:
Grant administrative privileges by adding the user to thesudo
group:sudo usermod -aG sudo defaultuser
Verify the user has sudo privileges:
Check the sudoers file to ensure the user has the correct permissions:sudo visudo
Ensure there is a line that looks like this:
defaultuser ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
2. Auto-Boot to "defaultuser":
Edit the GRUB configuration to automatically boot into text mode:
Open the GRUB configuration file:sudo nano /etc/default/grub
Change the
line to permit auto-login:
Replace the line with:GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text"
Set auto-login for "defaultuser":
Create or edit theoverride.conf
file forgetty@tty1
:sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/[email protected] sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]/override.conf
Add the following content:
[Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin defaultuser --noclear %I $TERM
Update the GRUB configuration and reboot:
Run the following commands:sudo update-grub sudo systemctl enable getty@tty1 sudo reboot
3. Unify Passwords for All Systems:
Set the same password for MySQL root user:
Use the following command to set or update the MySQL root user password:sudo mysql -u root -p ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'your_password'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EXIT;
Set the same password for WordPress:
If WordPress is installed, set the password for the admin user:wp user update admin --user_pass="your_password"
Unify system user passwords:
To change the password for the system’s "defaultuser" account:sudo passwd defaultuser
Create a script to update passwords for all systems:
Create a shell script that updates all necessary credentials in one step:nano ~/
Add the following to the script:
#!/bin/bash echo "Enter new unified password:" read -s password # Update MySQL root password mysql -u root -e "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$password'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" # Update WordPress admin password wp user update admin --user_pass="$password" # Update defaultuser system user password echo "defaultuser:$password" | chpasswd echo "Passwords have been updated."
Make the script executable:
chmod +x ~/
Run the script whenever you want to update all passwords:
Now your system will auto-boot into the "defaultuser" account, and you will have a unified password system across services that can be managed with a single script.
This version sets up the "defaultuser" account with root/sudo privileges and provides a unified password management system, while also ensuring the system auto-boots into the "defaultuser" account. Let me know if you need further adjustments!